[Blog] The importance of alarms and coupons

I could throw a chair right now, I’m so upset.

A while back I wrote about the 1iota website and how easy it is to get tickets to free concerts. I had signed up to get tickets to see Serj Tankian at the Jimmy Kimmel Show and I was completely looking forward to writing about it here. Unforunately, I thought the concert was on Thursday (July 12) when really, it was Wednesday. And by the time I remembered – actually, was told – the concert was already starting. I wasn’t going make it to L.A. by any means.

So now, I’m going to have to force myself to set an alarm for important dates. Because although I remembered the concert was on July 11, I didnt’ realize that July 11 was a Wednesday.

Serj Tankian – Harakiri

Speaking of which, Tankian released a new CD on Tuesday called Harakiri. My boyfriend bought the CD so I’ll make sure to grab it soon and write a review. I did get a taste of the songs though and I’ll just have to say that it reminds me of old System of a Down. Not classic SOAD, I mean SOAD starting their career old. It’s so weird I love it.

Anyway, on Tankian‘s Facebook page, there is a coupon to get the new CD from Best Buy for $7.99 that is good until Sat., July 14. You don’t even have to print it out, just have it on your phone for the cashier to scan. So if you like Serj and you really like old System, you should defintely take advantage of this deal.

Coupon for Serj Tankian – Harakiri.